From the editors

From the editors

Welcome to the first edition of our new e-publication, Cosmos Weekly – it’s undeniably exciting to launch new words into the world when so many organisations are publishing less. We think there’s never been a better time to report on science and no more important job than letting people know about the latest developments in Australia so that you, our readers, can stay informed about the science behind the big decisions that are shaping our country informing what’s possible for our future.

We like to think of the Weekly as the place where the science rubber hits the real-world road, so we hope you’ll be excited to read in this issue about how quantum computing is set to change everything (and not always in a good way), why the buzz about driverless cars seems to have quietened down, and to learn about the mini Large Hadron Collider in a room in Melbourne.

Science isn’t always visible but it matters to all of us – whether it’s keeping our water clean and plentiful, offering solutions to the economic and environmental problems that we face this century or (aiming high is always fun) flying a helicopter on Mars. We want to report on how and why these things are being done – to unpack the magic box and spend some time with the smart enthusiastic people puzzling away to make the world smarter: one fact, one innovation, one solution at a time.

We’d love to hear what you think about what we’re covering, or of any science or areas you’d like to know more about. We’re just at the end of an optic-fibre cable at, so please tell us how we’re going and where you think we should start exploring next.

Happy reading; hoping all is safe and COVID-sanguine where you are.

Ian Connellan & Gail MacCallum

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