Winter is here: the latest issue of Cosmos Magazine

The Winter 2017 issue of Cosmos Magazine.
Nathalie Saldumbide / Saldumbide Photography

It’s that time again: 30 brown boxes arrive in the office containing … *pause for effect* … the new Winter issue of the magazine. 

For those non-southern hemisphere-ians, Winter is here in Australia and the second quarterly issue of Cosmos is about to hit news stands. 

So, what’s inside?

The cover story takes a look at how we could outsmart the superbugs. You might have heard the recent story of Sandra Hocking, who contracted a deadly antibiotic-resistant superbug in Zambia. Just two years ago, her ankle could have been successfully treated with antibiotics. But today, because of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, she faces losing her leg. So how can we outsmart the superbugs? Dyani Lewis explores the next generation of ‘evolution-proof’ weapons being developed. 

Meanwhile, editor-in-chief Elizabeth Finkel tackles the promising anti-ageing compounds awaiting human trials in this issue. Read more about her thoughts in her Editor’s Note

“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” 

DON’T PANIC: Cosmos favourite Cathal O’Connell gives you a brief history of ideas about the size and shape of the universe. 

Robyn Arianrhod delves into how Albert Einstein came up with ‘spooky action at a distance’ while examining the origins or entanglement. 

In the spirit of the season, Jonica Newby hits the slopes to ask: ‘How long until we must hang up the skis?’ and explains the ins and outs of how snow machines work. 

We profile three incredible women working in STEM and review the stunning picture book  Women in Science: 50 Pioneers Who Changed the World by illustrator Rachel Ignotofsky.

You can also WIN one of five copies of Rachel’s book in our new and improved puzzle page! See page 128 in the print or PDF version for details.

The Science Club section has received an injection of all things GEEK. It explains Einstein’s Cross, debunks the myths surrounding fluoride, gets technical with exoskeletons and paints an informative picture of the threats to the Great Barrier Reef.

To start reading, get yourself a print or digital subscription today. Or, if you already have one, access the PDF version when logged in to your online account; your print copies are on their way to you now!

Happy reading from the Cosmos team!

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