What’s your favourite science book?

What’s your favourite science book?
Cosmos Magazine

There are some books that make a profound impact on the reader – sometimes because they stun with fresh research, beguile with sophisticated analysis, or simply induce gales of laughter.

Here at Cosmos we’re keen to find out which science or tech themed book, if push comes to shove, you would nominate as your all-time favourite. Perhaps it’s Pliny’s Natural History, or Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time, or Lisa Randall’s Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs … Your choice can come from any century, on any science subject.

Let us know the title and author and tell us in 100 words why it deserves the accolade.

And because sharing information and sharing the love are sometimes synonymous, we want to publish the best and brightest nominations in both our print and online editions. We’d love to know your thoughts – and we’re betting that we’re going to be happily surprised by the breadth, depth and sheer good taste of the Cosmos readership. 

Fill out the form below and let’s get this conversation going!

Tell us your favourite science book! 

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