Science as written: The Best Australian Science Writing 2021

Now in its 11th year, The Best Australian Science Writing is an annual collection of – that’s right – the nation’s best science writing. This year a mixture of experienced authors and newcomers have come together under the editorship of Eureka prize winning-writer Dyani Lewis. With Dyani as panel chair, we hear from three of BASW 2021’s writers about their stories, why they write about science, and what they’re planning to report on in the future.  

Meet the writers

Bianca Nogrady (Cracking the meat-allergy mystery with a tick-bite link) wrote about new insights into allergies. Bianca is a freelance science writer and broadcaster and the two-time editor of BASW.

Jackson Ryan (To the Dragon Palace and Back) wrote about Japan’s decade-long mission to the asteroid Ryugu. Ryan is the science editor at; in a past life he put his PhD to work in a lab.

Ella Loeffler (Under the shade of the eucalypt) wrote a short and intensely personal riff on life in Australia. Ella’s a conservation ecologist with a strong side-interest in writing about the natural world.

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